Our Story
We are a group of professional service providers who see great value in helping Clients deal with often under-served project implementation issues. Based on our vast engineering experience, we saw most Clients focus their efforts and attention on traditional project aspects such as project feasibility studies, design and supervision and much less attention on project structuring, financing and execution, leading to waste of time and millions of dollars in disputes and claims.

Even the best designed and supervised engineering projects often face difficult implementation issues.
Some of these issues can be avoided all together while others have to be managed during execution.
Globally, infrastructure projects, on average, face implementation delays of 20 months and cost overruns of 80%. In developing countries with lower capacity, these figures are likely higher.
These projects end up with exclusion of time and cost claims and disputes.
The partners have a combined experience of over 220 years in the infrastructure and construction industry.
We served in consulting, contracting, development finance, investment, arbitration, and professional engineering organizations. We have worked on thousands of complex projects in dozens of countries.
We have extensive experience in dispute avoidance and resolution. We are experts at resolving disputes whether by negotiation, mediation, adjudication, or arbitration. We provide an early assessment and advice to our clients negotiating the best plan to take in accordance with contract that ensures lowering the cost and the project time
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a leading innovative provider of Dispute management solutions, Contracts management, Arbitration, Training and Institutional consultancy Services in the region
Our Mission
- Our mission is to provide world-class consulting services and training
to enable our clients to develop and implement strategies,
techniques, processes, and systems to deliver high performance. - To earn the trust and confidence of our clients by providing the most
reliable consulting and training Services in the Region. - To strive for excellence in everything we do.
Our Values

We demonstrate loyalty, honesty and ethical behavior and accomplish this by placing the success of our business, its people, and our customers ahead of any personal gain

We cultivate a culture of continuous improvement in our organization and our people to deliver the highest quality services and top quality courses

We deliver on our commitments, and are happy to be held accountable for our performance

Customer Satisfaction
We aim to satisfy and exceed our customers’ expectations.

We seek to provide our clients with up to date thinking and approaches to enable them to continuously improve their ability to efficiently and effectively implement best practices

Mutual Relationships
We work closely with our clients, considering them to be our partners
Our Value Proposition
We provide integrated “one-stop shop” comprehensive and professional
services to clients in the fields of:
• Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication
• Dispute Resolution (Mediation and Conciliation)
• Arbitration
• Claims Management
• PPP Contracts
• Expert Witness
• Asset & Facility Managements.
• Contracts Management
• Training & Building capacity