Our Services
- Consultation on contracts and other project agreements to avoid disputes
- Consultation on the best Alternative Dispute Resolution approaches.
- Preparing and delivering training and capacity building programs in the fields of mediation, arbitration, Value Engineering, Claims ………….etc, in cooperation with international partners.
- Preparing and designing Manuals, project related documents, procedures ,
white papers & Guidelines for construction industry
Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication
Disputes are a common feature in the construction sector and can potentially have far-reaching impacts on the project in the form of additional costs, delayed completion and opportunity costs.
Construction disputes are primarily technical in nature. They may arise during the execution of the project or post project completion. More often than not, if the disputes are not resolved quickly and efficiently they lead to a cascading effect on the project and stakeholders.
Our experts can work with Clients at early stage of the procurement process and during project execution to help and support clients to avoid disputes and manage their disputes resolution cases if and when they materialize. We further provide dispute adjudication services by providing experts to be on the Dispute Adjudication Boards.

Dispute Resolution (Mediation and Conciliation)
Contracts provide for opportunities to resolve disputes before they are taken to Arbitration or Litigation as the case maybe.
We provide our Clients with expertise to advise on the dispute assessment, mediation and conciliation with an objective to have the dispute resolved before they are forwarded to the costly Arbitration and Litigation stages.
Claims Managment
We provide our clients with the highest level of claims services in the industry.These services include Claims assessment, Claims avoidance, Claims identification and preparations, and Claims management.
Our claims Management services include the review of contracts, project records, and accounting records, with the ability to offer expert analysis, staff interviews, document takeoffs and mapping, as well as opine on potential liabilities, possible damages, and potential claim outcomes.
Our services alleviate some of the work for contractors allowing them to focus on completing the project and getting paid by their client.
Our areas of expertise include also matters related to subcontractor default insurance, forensic delay analysis, professional liability, sureties, construction defects and delay in project start-up.
Our experts can help simplify the process of understanding and recovering damages, by diligently quantifying, evaluating, and presenting damages associated with construction claims and cost overruns—a complex process since damages are often intertwined between various aspects of the project, such as cost estimating, scheduling, and project management.

Working methodically through each issue, we identify liability, validate claims, quantify damages, and assist with resolving disputes.
Our experts look to identify the type of delay (late start, extended duration, concurrent, pacing, etc.) and determine if a delay is excusable, non-excusable, compensable, and non-compensable. Ultimately, we look to determine the cause and apportion delay to the respective parties.